For who ? For what ? How ?
A naturopath is a guide who understands the person as a whole in order to providehealthy lifestyle tips Forbreathe better, sleep, eat, to feel “better in your skin”.
Firstly, the naturopath carries out a detailed study of lifestyle habits. of the person :eating habits, physical activity, sleep quality, work and family history, temperament, medical history…
The naturopath does not replace a doctor, his role is not to make a medical diagnosis but rather totake stock health andsuggest personalized actions to be implemented for better hygiene or quality of life, forcorrect certain malfunctions which impair well-being.

The range of naturopathic advice is very wide:
Use of popen plants(phytotherapy, phytology, aromatherapy),
Priest (fasting, monodiet, detoxifying, revitalizing, stabilizing),
Energy care (magnetology, reiki, lithotherapy, reflexology),
Natural techniques (homeopathy, actinology, light therapy, heliotherapy, chromotherapy, hydrology, sophrology, meditation),
Psycho-corporeal care (massage techniques, physical or breathing exercises, stress management techniques)...
In addition to knowledge in all these areas, the profession of naturopath requires qualities of listening, patience, teaching and great psychology.

Who am I ?
I am a former city dweller who sometimes overused medication in the past and noticed that my ailments returned regularly.
Studying the benefits of plants coupled with the use of natural stress management techniques has profoundly changed me.
I therefore trained in naturopathy in order to validate my knowledge and share with you this information essential to well-being.
Today I have a certification recognized internationally by theIPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine).
Are you interested in a Naturopathy assessment?
Contact me using the form below.
And I will contact you again, as soon as possible, to initiate the process:
We will agree to an appointment for an exchange time of approximately 1 hour/1 hour 30 minutes so that I can collect the necessary information allowing me to establish and personalize the follow-up (this is the anamnesis).
This assessment initial you will be charged 85€ and sent by email quickly.
The following anamnesis will be shorter and will make it possible to check if everything is going well, if the program needs to be readjusted or prevention strengthened.
They will be charged €35 for 1/2 hour.
Thank you for your interest....